Improve Memory & Slow Decline

Improve Memory & Slow Decline

5 Seasons

Did you know that physical, mental and social activities can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's?

The Brain Health Series is full of great activities that you can do with your loved ones and could also help improve memory and slow down mental decline.

Our expert instructors are ready and waiting for you to get started. Don't wait, start today!

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Improve Memory & Slow Decline
  • Mindful Movement

    A cognitively stimulating class combining overall body movement with mental activity.

  • Stretch Band and Ball

    Using a stretch band and exercise ball to strengthen major muscles, target core muscles for stability and good posture, and increase flexibility and range of motion.

  • Strong and Flexible

    Easy to follow, basic everyday movements that will improve strength and flexibility.

  • Strength with Rhythm

    Feel the rhythm and strengthen your muscles with this seated class using water bottles or light weights.

  • Posture Pleasers

    Episode 4

    Seated exercises improving posture to promote sitting TALL not SMALL.