How much would you pay to be a “healthy” person? $100? $1,000? How about $100,000 or even 1 million dollars?
We all know that exercise, sleep and diet are the cornerstones of a healthy life but most of us aren’t willing to pay the cost for our own health. Why? What if the price for health this week wasn’t a dollar amount but 30 minutes of your time. Is 30 minutes of your time this week worth it?
Check your ‘time wallet’ right now. How's your weekly budget looking? If you are a human living on earth, I'd guess your budget looks like mine and everyone else's. We all live on the same fixed income of 10,080 minutes to be spent every week. How will you spend yours?
If you can spend 30 minutes of your time this week exercising, we have 30 minutes of the best exercise content available anywhere to sell you.
“So whaddya say Big Spenda, do we have a deal?”
Where else can you spend 30 minutes of your weekly budget to get all this??
Bun Builder Exercise class with elite personal fitness coach Maryann Youssef
- A fun and supportive community of active agers
- More energy
- Better sleep
- Healthier body
- Happier mind
- Satisfaction of time well spent!
Sounds like a deal too good to be true, right? Maybe you’re asking yourself, “What’s the catch?” Well the catch is that you might find this 30-minute Live on Zoom class to be soooo worth it that you end up wanting to invest more of your time in exercise. If that ends up being the case, we have a subscription service available for you to buy (with money) to give you access to over 100 workouts you can do whenever you have extra time to spend. Otherwise, there is no catch.
We offer at least one live class each week on Zoom. It costs $00.00 to register, click the link below, and there is no obligation to do anything but the movements our trainers are performing on screen.
I hope you’ll join us this week and promise to give you the highest return possible for your time invested with us.
Alex Rochestie
(co-founder of Spiro100)
Registration Link for “Bun Builder” with Maryann Youssef
1. Click the link to open the registration page
2. Enter your First/Last Name and email address (twice) into the appropriate fields
3. Click Submit
4. Done
You will then be emailed a confirmation (to the email address provided) with the Zoom link to use when the class begins Wednesday morning.