Choose Your Level, Seated-to-Standing

Choose Your Level, Seated-to-Standing

4 Seasons

Pick your level of ability to start your 7-day challenge. All of them follow the same schedule.
Day 1: Stretch
Day 2: Balance
Day 3: Cardio
Day 4: Yoga/Tai Chi
Day 5: Strength
Day 6: Music/Dance
Day 7: Posture

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Choose Your Level, Seated-to-Standing
  • Morning Stretch

    Episode 1

    This quick Morning Stretch is the best way to start out any day. Whatever your plans are for the day, this routine is designed to get your blood and body moving and support your body all day long.

  • Sitting Start

    Episode 2

    Build strength and endurance with this seated class designed to reduce the risk of falling. No equipment needed.

  • Cardio & Action Brain Games

    Episode 3

    Seated, fast paced challenging choregraphy total body cardio workout to music as well as movements combined with cognitive tasks to improve brain fitness.

  • Tai Chi Balance

    Episode 4

    Strength and balance training taught through the peaceful movements of Tai Chi.

  • Strong and Flexible

    Episode 5

    Easy to follow, basic everyday movements that will improve strength and flexibility.

  • Conductorcise Volume I

    Episode 6

    Place yourself in the sneakers of an orchestra conductor and raise your baton to a mighty Soasa march, an impetuous Strauss polka, or an elegant Tchaikovsky waltz as you enjoy a great musical workout.

  • Posture Pleasers

    Episode 7

    Seated exercises improving posture to promote sitting TALL not SMALL.