Exercises will continue to build upon the sequences learned from the previous weeks. Participants will learn how, according to TCM ( traditional Chinese medicine), cultivating peace in the mind and body aid in cultivating vitality.
Spiro Workshops. Live starting at 9:00 AM Pacific on Thursdays
See upcoming schedule and sign up for free at spiro100.com/live
47:26about 2 years ago
Part 3: Energy Points of the Kidney E...
about 2 years ago
Exercises will build upon the exercises learned from the previous sessions, and participants will learn grounding and calming exercises that cultivate vitality.
48:28about 2 years ago
Part 2: Energy Points of the Heart En...
about 2 years ago
Exercises will build upon the basics learned in the first session, and participants will learn a few soothing exercises for the heart energy system that help coordinate mind, body, breath and energy to help harmonize blood pressure.
Spiro Workshops. Live starting at 9:00 AM Pacific on Thu... -
46:20about 2 years ago
Part 1: Harmonize the Nervous System
about 2 years ago
An Introduction to the basics of TaiChi and QiGong. Learn soothing and gentle exercises for the brain and nervous system that cultivate calm and relaxation and harmonize blood pressure.
Spiro Workshops. Live starting at 9:00 AM Pacific on Thursdays
See upcoming schedule and sign up for fr...